It’s quite amazing isn’t it how much can happen in-between our weekly chill out time together. In the last few days there have not only been huge political fallouts from last week’s ...
Well what a momentous week that was. So much has been said and written about the Referendum result, I won’t throw my two pennyworth into the mix; only to say that we are all human, all of the sa...
The Summer Solstice beckons and with it the promise of some warmer weather by the end of the week. In the build up to it, what a momentous week we’ve had with many news events that have kept us ...
Just a week or so from the Summer Solstice and THAT vote, we seem to be enjoying some seasonal warmth at last. Today I took full advantage – in-between some hefty showers – to drive with t...
At last Summer has arrived both meteorologically and in reality! Time to enjoy the warmth, the extra dosage of vitamin D and lots of clean, fresh air. Yet how fresh is that air? This week I’m fi...
You know when you listen to a track that just resonates? Such is the one below for me. The track SEDNA is the Mellow Moment of the week but the whole album – which has only just been released by...
Greetings from a soggy farm with a discontented gaggle of geese, very soggy sheep, angry alpacas, curmudgeonly cows and cockerels, but at least the ducks are delighted. With the Summer Solstice just a...
Hello from a very remote farmhouse near the sea with VERY intermittent, often non existent wifi and absolutely NO phone reception…surrounded by squawking geese, ducks, hens and flaming’ co...
Another week, another two famous names gone. What a year this is turning out to be. I’ve spoken a lot recently about the people who have left us to go to a better place and we comfort ourselves ...
This week I’ve been in Stratford upon Avon visiting a friend and his family who’ve emigrated from South Africa because of the increasing unrest in the country. I’ve known him for a q...