Mike’s Mellow Moment – 11 December 2016

This week one of the Mike Powell Listeners’ Group had to leave Facebook for personal reasons. She didn’t want to leave, but had to. Rebecca said that she’d miss our group the most and she’d like to thank everyone for all the fun and sharing during her time with us. Likewise I thanked her for her fabulous contributions, support and joie de vivre. This week’s Mellow Moments was one of her favourites and is dedicated to her with the hope that all her dreams come true.

Over the many years our group has been together people have come and gone, all living out their plans on this planet in the best way they can. Our time together may be fleeting but every one affects more people than they realise.

The winter solstice is on the horizon and of course Christmas is just 2 weeks away, the time when we gather and remember fondly those who aren’t with us anymore. As we enjoy our weekly chill out together then let’s think of those amazing people who’ve touched us as they made their difference. They still walk with us on our journey, no matter how fleeting that maybe.

(The picture was taken by Rebecca at the Christmas Tree Festival in St Mary’s Church, Alverstoke Village, Gosport on 09 Dec 2016.)

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2 thoughts on “Mike’s Mellow Moment – 11 December 2016

  1. Thank you very much Mike. I hope that everyone in your group is well. I miss the banter a lot, especially now it is December and I can’t tell anyone off for mentioning Christmas !! Thank you for the mellow moment.

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