Conundrum of the Week

Thanks Roger, Chris, Dawn and Barbie for your inspired answers! This was the “official” explanation, but I preferred yours, so you’re all winners 🙂
…..When Bad Boy Bubby opened the cellar door he saw the living room and, through its windows, the garden. He had never seen these before because his mother had kept him all his life in the cellar.


Last week’s week’s conundrum (w/c Sun 14 Sept 2014) – well done Barbie and Dawn for last weeks quiz, he did indeed live on the ground floor and great answer Roger! Here’s this week’s riddle-me-ree….

Bad Boy Bubby was warned by his mother never to open the cellar door or he would see things that he was not meant to see. One day while his mother was out he did open the cellar door. What did he see?


The 4th conundrum (w/c Sun 07 Sept 2014) – well done Roger, Sue and Barbie this time. The fireMAN was the only male in the room, so the coppers knew they had their MAN! Groan….How about having another go with this week’s head scratcher?…

How could a baby fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live?


The 3rd conundrum (w/c Sun 31 Aug 2014)

Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer. They don’t know what he looks like but they know his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on a carpenter, a lorry driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they immediately arrest the fireman. How do they know they’ve got their man?


The 2nd conundrum (w/c Sun 24 Aug 2014) – Sue and Dawn got the right answer (below) – great teamwork….

You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus:

1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose?


Our 1st conundrum – Sue got the right answer (below) – well done 🙂

A man is found hanging in a room 30 feet off the ground. There is nothing else in the room except for a large puddle of water on the ground. The police can’t see any way the man could have climbed the walls to get to where he is hanging.

How did this man hang himself?

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33 thoughts on “Conundrum of the Week

  1. Did the room flood and he floated to the top, then the water subsided again, leaving a puddle?

    1. I am not surprised it is not correct, I very rarely get these right.

  2. Was there some sort of huge ice block in the room, which gradually melted – hence the large puddle?

    1. Did the man see there had been a leak , went in through the loft to investigate saw that the floor was badly damaged , so was able to make appropriate hole,and then did the nasty deed.

  3. I would like to think it was No. 2. But it is probably nobody, as the bus turned up before I decided.

  4. I have been thinking about this all day. My answer is
    I get out of car and my old friend who saved my life is in the driving seat and takes the old lady as the passenger to hospital. I stay at the bus stop with my perfect partner.

    ( Thought I would have a go as I was never any good at the conundrum’s when you were on air, I only got 1 correct in 9 years)

      1. It would have to be the old lady who looks as if she is about to die.the bus turned up and took other two, so all was well.he he

  5. I’d give all 3 a lift but I’d first take the old lady to the nearest hospital to be checked out. I’d drop the friend who saved my life to wherever she intended to go on the bus and I’d take the perfect partner home to dismantle my lean-to…and that’s not a euphanism .

  6. Ha Ha such fun!

    Well done Dawn and Sue – you must have amazing memories as this was one of the first conundrums we ever did…

    The old lady of course! After helping the old lady into the car, you can give your keys to your friend, and wait with your perfect partner for the bus.

  7. Thanks Mike that’s the second conundrum I got right in many years. Looking forward to next weeks conundrum.

  8. I also think the fireman is wearing a name tag, either on his uniform or his helmet.

  9. I think the fire brigade officials were able to give name of firemen named John who was off duty at time of murder. Investigations on other three were invalid.

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