Please click above to hear this week’s chillout or read it and watch it below….
Synchronicity. That moment you think about a friend and they call up. You’re about to step into the road but something stops you – and a motorbike hurtles past at twice the speed of sound.
Synchronicity is a concept, first introduced by psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.
Such a moment happened to me this week when I was chasing up various scans that I’m due to have. I suddenly felt I had to call the hospital…top hear them say:
‘…You do know you having an MRI scan this evening?’
I didn’t and because of that phone call I managed to drop everything and get there – just in time. It was like the time Hazel the Homeopathist used her Asyra machine on the Sunday show, only to discover I had problems with parts of my anatomy. Checking out with the GP, we discovered that was exactly the place where something that shouldn’t have been was. And it needed to be blasted away.
Synchronicity or chance? I know which one I’d choose.
This week – as we face the coldest February week in 5 years – let’s be on the lookouts for those gentle nudges. The co-incidences that can’t be explained away. More often than not you’ll be pleased you did….
And as we huddle together for warmth, please join me on Classic FM and Smoooooth on Sunday or local radio on Tuesday night. In the meantime here’s a fabulous chillout. But given the circumstances maybe we should change that to a ‘warm up’….here we go…..
Technology image created by Kjpargeter –
Thank you Mike for your lovely words and great MMM. 🙂
Thank you Mike for your lovely words and MMM.